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My address won't be accepted
My address won't be accepted

Have items in your cart but can't proceed to checkout to payment as your address is not being accepted? We got you!

Updated over 3 months ago

There may be a few reasons your address is not being accepted in the checkout which we'll explore further below.

Firstly, we recommend setting your shipping information as a default on your account for the smoothest checkout experience. To do this any customers with a Healthylife account just need to login to their account, click on the Account icon in the top right hand corner and then proceed to select the option My Account as seen below.

From here continue to fill out all sections and remember to click on the green tab below that says Save Changes. Most information required in the checkout will now be prefilled so you can continue breeze through the checkout πŸ’¨

Not all customers have an account with us so some of the options below may helpful to troubleshoot the checkout further.

When in the Cart customers will be presented with the screen below. Please ensure all fields prior to the Find Your Address field are filled in correctly. The format of your phone number must not have any spaces between the numbers and consist of 8-10 digits (eg. 0400000000 or 12341234).

The next field in the process is the Find Your Address where customers can just start typing their address in. The more details you type, the closer the match will become until your address appears. Simply click on the correct address from the drop down and proceed to checkout.

Please note that if using a PO box or parcel locker address you will not be able to locate the address using this method. Please read below. The following is also best if you would like to add in a business name to your shipping address.

Customers using a PO box or parcel locker address would be best to click on the link under this field that says Can't find your address? Try the full form as seen in the screenshots below where you can free type in your address details.

In all cases the street address must include at least 1 digit to be accepted.

If you are interested in using our Auspost Collection Point option, please click here to view how this option works.

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