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Healthylife Pharmacy
Delivery Time Of A Prescription Order
Delivery Time Of A Prescription Order
Updated over a week ago

When you purchase a prescription medication online with Healthylife Pharmacy, we require a valid Australian prescription on our premises before we can dispatch your order to you.

We recommend considering a total of 7-10 business days, depending on your location, for delivery from the time of ordering online.

We must receive either an Electronic prescription or a paper prescription from you to start processing your order for dispatch.

For Electronic Prescriptions - you will be prompted in the checkout to provide your e-token code which will be validated prior to processing your order. Customers can also email their e-prescriptions to, and quote their order ID.

For Paper Prescriptions - due to legislation, we require the physical paperwork in our possession before we can dispatch your order. After placing your order online you will be required to post your prescription/s to your nearest Healthylife Pharmacy store find your closest store here. You will also be prompted on where to post your paper prescription on your order confirmation which you receive by email shortly after placing an order online.

All Paper Prescriptions must to be posted in the mail and received by your local Healthylife Pharmacy before dispatching your order.

If we have your repeat prescriptions on file - we will not require you to do anything further after ordering online. Our team will match your order to what prescriptions we have on file and proceed to process your order for dispatch. In the event we are missing any repeats to process your order our team will be in contact by phone and email.

If you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Healthylife Pharmacy Team by calling 1300 463 342 and selecting option 2, or emailing

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